Ontario Chapter 7


Interested in joining the Red Knights International Motorcycle club, Chapter Ontario 7.

Email to rkont7@bell.net. with the Subject as "Application" to request the
Application for Membership form.

This form is in PDF format, so you'll need Acrobat Reader to see / print it.
You can download a copy of Acrobat Reader from the Red Knights International web page.

You can mail the form to;

President of the Red Knights
600 County Rd 39 RR#3
Consecon, Ontario
K0K 1T0


You can bring it to the next meeting of the Red Knights Ontario 7.
The next meeting is posted on the main page of this web site.

If you have any questions dealing with the Application for Membership,
please email rkont7@bell.net.

Thank-you for considering membership with the Red Knights.

This page was last updated on: October 29, 2014

The Red Knights Name and Emblem is a registered trademark in both Canada and the United States of America of The Red Knights International Firefighters Motorcycle Club Inc and shall not be used in any shape or form without the expressed written permission of the Executive Board of the corporation.